
USPS Tracking Information:
Tracking Number: 9405511899560926630343 9405511899560926679120


  1. Anthony Reyes

    hello, i didn’t see including insurance as an option. is it possible to include that and i’ll pay the difference?

    • Ashman Sato

      Yes it is possible. You made a payment so we can send you an invoice for the difference, when you make the pay we will release your items. Let us know if you want to do that and how much insurance do you want on it. Thank you

  2. Anthony Reyes

    Total value of items is $3,500. Please purchase insurance to cover this amount.

    • Ashman Sato

      Hi Tony, We have sent you an invoice with the difference of payment for the insurance. Let us know when you process the payment so we can release your items. Thank you

      • Anthony Reyes

        Hi Ashman, I don’t see any invoice for the difference. Where do I find it?

        • Ashman Sato

          I send it on the day we talked about it but I will send it again right now. Let me know if you get it. Thank you

          • Anthony Reyes

            Difference has been paid. Thanks.

          • Ashman Sato

            Thanks we will get it out today

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