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    • Ashman Sato

      I will email you instructions and video on how to work with your account and viewing package is one of them.
      Thank you

    • Ashman Sato

      Wallace I sent you instructions on how to view your package to your email. You will need to log in to your account and view them from there. Let me know if your not able to I will send you an invoice to process payment so we can release your items. thanks

  1. Wallace Lakutak

    I know that I still have my stuff in my shelves but I’m still trying to know how to pay.help

    • Ashman Sato

      Wallace, Would it help if I send you an invoice to process payment for now. Then later you can try to use the system again??


      • Wallace Lakutak

        Sorry for gone so long.OK please.I would like to know first.what’s in my shelves now? Can I know please?.

        • Wallace Lakutak

          Okay sorry still not yet understand to use my account.but I really want to have my item..so wats in my shelf’s now

          • Ashman Sato

            Wallace still same items 15 Mitchum deodorant 1 Dial for man Hair  + Body wash you can try and process pay again let me know if your able to complete

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