I intend to sell this item but it looks like I will not make any profit from it so I want to send it to another address in the states instead. The new address is given replacing my default address. Could you make the new price quote? Thanks in advance
I have updated the quote for you and it looks like same with UPS and FedEx .20 Cents difference. Due to the weight and the size that was the best price I could find to send to Kosrae.
I intend to sell this item but it looks like I will not make any profit from it so I want to send it to another address in the states instead. The new address is given replacing my default address. Could you make the new price quote? Thanks in advance
I have updated the quote for you and it looks like same with UPS and FedEx .20 Cents difference. Due to the weight and the size that was the best price I could find to send to Kosrae.
Are you taking about the U.S address?
I want to send the items to Washington instead.
Sorry. I can see the new price quote. Thanks though.
Looks like your having issue processing payment. Would you like me to send you an invoice so you can process payment this way?
I made the payment through blue sky trader’s link.