
Tracking Number: 9405511899561309541591
Tracking Number: 9405511899561309549986


  1. Doreen Joy Bassig


    Would like to inquire how you plan to package the orders? Is it all in one box? and what is the total weight and dimension?

    Is the estimated cost for delivery still $158? As was previously provided?

    Kindly update me.

    Thank you,


    • Ashman Sato

      With the new items it will change the weight and dims so the shipping cost will change. That will be updated later on today once all items are packed so look out for the change. Thank you.

  2. Doreen Joy Bassig

    Thank you Ashman. I have paid the shipping cost online. Will you be able to help me avoid or minimize the cost of import tax when i receive the package here?

    Kindly share your packing details.

    Thank you,


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