Health & Safety Announcement Regarding COVID-19

Updated 3/25/2020

At USShipShop, the health and safety of our customers is of the utmost importance. For your protection, we sanitize our office every evening using a high volume, commercial-grade ozone machine. This system kills and destroys all bacteria, viruses, and anything carbon-based. Every box we receive is held overnight and is sanitized with the ozone machine before shipment.

USShipShop is classified as an Essential Service due to our responsibilities within the shipping industry and we expect to remain open. Our customer service team is safely working from home and will continue to provide the necessary support. Our hand-picked shipping crew, as well as management, will continue to provide daily, international, and domestic shipping services while following the World Health Organization’s recommended guidelines for health and safety.

Please know you are in our hearts and prayers as we all go through these tough times. May it bring us all closer together.


We appreciate your continued trust and support,

Reg & Faye Bennett
Founders & Owners of USShipShop

Need more information?

Please contact us with any additional questions or concerns.

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